The WAMS Program Team provide primary health care and opportunistic health screening to towns within the Walgett Shire and other remote locations. One of the main focuses of the Program Team is to provide health promotion activities which are conducted in the community to increase awareness on various health issues and identify those who may need support with their chronic conditions.
WAMS is fortunate to have a number of visiting specialist and allied health services under Rural Doctors Network (RDN) funding which provides visiting services which are free to the clients of Walgett Aboriginal Medical Services. Services may come from Dubbo or Sydney on a regular basis. Scheduled days and appointments are coordinated by the chronic disease receptionist. All clients require a current referral for Specialist services and require a Care Plan (GPMP/TCA) for allied health services.
WAMS has a range of specialist services available that visit on either a weekly, fortnightly, monthly or bi monthly basis.
These Services include: