Joanne Flick
Joanne Flick
Goonimoo Children's Service Manager
Job Description
- To co-ordinate and manage a mobile outreach children’s service to children and families living within the Walgett Shire
- To Coordinate the work of Mobile Assistants in the delivery of the Children’s Mobile Service (CMS) in the designated towns, working towards the following
- to bring people with small children together to share ideas, improve skills, disseminate information, and meet others in the same situation
- to assist in the child’s development of a positive self-image and skills in social, physical, health and cultural areas
- Ensure the mobile service abides by the statutory requirements of the Children and Young Persons (Care and Protection) Act 1998
- Ensure the service abides by the current Children’s Services Regulations
- Ensure mobile service staff compliance with the Code of Conduct and Early Childhood Australia’s Code of Ethics at all times