‘Our Health Our Way’ leads the way to good health for Aboriginal young people


Today, NSW Kids and Families launched the ‘Our Health Our Way’ resources for Aboriginal young people. The resources explain how easy it is to access appropriate healthcare for Aboriginal young people aged 12 to 24.

Young people aged 12 to 24 years can have significant health needs which affect their health now and in the future.

“Talking to a doctor about personal issues can be embarrassing for young people. Subjects such as sex, drugs and pregnancy can be difficult to talk about but are very important to a young person’s health,” said Ms Christine Corby, a Member of the NSW Kids and Families Board and Chairperson of the Aboriginal Health and Medical Research Council of NSW.

NSW Kids and Families commissioned 33 Creative an Aboriginal media, events and communications company to produce a series of videos for Aboriginal young people. The seven ‘Our Health Our Way’ videos feature Aboriginal young people talking about their health, where to go and what’s important to know about healthcare.

Read more: 

pdf icon Our Health Our Way - Media Release

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