Goonimoo, meaning "Mother's Breast", first began in 1985 offering Mobile Play Sessions (Playgroups).

Goonimoo is a playgroup model specific to the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal families and children (0 to 5years) living in the region of Walgett Shire. It currently operates five days per week in a variety of locations engaging families in experiences that promote development, good health and wellbeing. The programs pedagogy and practice is informed by the Early Years Learning Framework with outcomes focused towards increasing equality for Aboriginal children and parents pertaining to the Closing the Gap report and targets. The content of each session is designed around the needs, interests and emerging skills of the children and families attending the playgroup. Experiences are created to be culturally responsive including elements and stories from within nature and the land to increase connection with the unique culture Gamilaraay/ Kamilaroi people. Playgroup sessions foster a play-based learning approach to build on Early Childhood Education and learning as well as role-modelling positive play techniques for children 0-5 year. 

The staff, consisting of the Children’s Service Manager who has extensive experience in the Early Childhood Sector (Birth to 5 years) and the Early Childhood Educators that have obtained a Diploma in Education and Care Services, or are working towards achieving the qualification.

This Service operates as an outreach service so to get in contact with the Children’s Services Manager call 02 6820 3777 Ext 752 or Mobile 0428 678 852.

Community Hall

35 Pitt Street

Midwifery & Child & Family Health | Healthy for Life

35 Pitt Street