Program Team

General Information

The WAMS Program Team provide Primary Health Care and opportunistic health screening to towns within the Walgett Shire and other remote locations. One of the main focuses of the Program Team is to provide health promotion activities which are implemented into the community to increase awareness on various health issues


Yinarr Gaali (Aboriginal Women and child) is a warm and friendly place to visit for your Midwifery needs.

The Midwifery Health Worker works closely with the community providing support to women with ante/post natal care. Fortnightly clinic's are conducted with visiting Midwives. Promotions, educational awareness and identified health supports offered such as transport to specialist appointments. Our service is child friendly and family based. We encourage dads and other care givers to be part of this wonderful journey with mum.

Our service is respectful and reliable.

Drug & Alchohol

The WAMS Drug & Alcohol Team offers assistance to individuals in finding ways of dealing with their addiction, by way of counselling, being admitted into a rehabilitation centre or by having someone there to support them whilst they undertake rehabilitation. The team also provides emotional support to families.

Counselling and educational sessions are available to individuals, groups and agencies. Pamphlets and promotional materials are available on loan.

The Drug & Alcohol team are located in the Shop Front at 37 – 47 Wee Waa St. You can contact them on 6820 3777 or 6820 3760.

Public Health (Events)


At the commencement of 2005 Walgett Aboriginal Medical Service initiated contact with the Walgett Community College to develop collaborative approaches between Education and Health Services to broaden WAMS capacity to promote health education within the school environment. These discussions were a result of the Healthy Kids Check previously conducted in 2004 for the students of the school.

Ms. Jenni Floyd, Centre for Oral Health GWAHS in Dubbo, consulted with Dr. Sandra Meihubers, WAMS Dentist, WAMS management and staff to determine what strategies could be applied to improve dental health care for young children and what resources were available for application to a suitable Dental Health Program. Meetings were conducted with Ms. Sue Matthews, Principal, and relevant teaching staff of the Walgett Primary School to look at existing activities and to identify gaps where WAMS and the school could work together to deliver stronger health education messages to students.

Walgett Primary School had already established a Breakfast Program for all school students which was being conducted by teaching and canteen staff along with the assistance of parental volunteers. In trying to improve and strengthen WAMS relationships with the local education sector WAMS staff have committed to supporting the school Breakfast Program by rostering staff to attend the program each morning to assist teachers, staff and parents. This support will continue for the duration of the Breakfast Program.

WAMS, Ms. Floyd and Dr. Meihubers proposed the establishment of a Tooth Brushing Program that could run in conjunction with the Breakfast Program. Further discussion between WAMS and the Walgett Primary School led to the development of 'Circles, Scrub and Wiggles' tooth brushing program for implementation as a trial project involving Years 3 - 4. The program was officially launched on 14 June 2005 at the school.

Both GWAHS and WAMS staff will return to the School in the late part of the year to meet with the teachers to assess the outcome of this activity.

Sexual Health

WAMS provides a culturally appropriate Sexual Health Service. It is FREE, CONFIDENTIAL and you do not require a Medicare card. Treatment of any infections identified is also FREE. Clinics are available at WAMS, Brewarrina, Collarenebri and surrounding communities. Male and female Aboriginal Health Workers are available to help YOU!

  • 'Walk-in Clinic' at WAMS every Monday or by appointment on (02) 6828 1611
  • Clinic at Collarenebri every second Tuesday - (02) 6756 4845
  • Clinic at Brewarrina every second Thursday - (02) 6839 2150

Full screen for:

Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, Chlamydia, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Herpes, HIV.

WAMS Sexual Health Services also include:

Sexual Health education and support, Free Condoms, DAMS, Info On Good & Bad Touch, and Fit Kit's.

Mental Health

The Mental Health Worker and WAMS staff link their programs to each other to consolidate services to individuals, families and the communities. Arrangements are made for visiting Psychiatrists to utilise one of the WAMS offices to consult with clients.

Ear Health

This program provides outreach services to Lightning Ridge, Walgett and Goodooga, assisting with school screenings with personnel from Australian Hearing and the Institute for Deaf and Blind Children.

These services include health promotional activities, co-ordination of referral pathways and screenings where appropriate.

The Ear Health Worker is located in the Dental wing at Dundas St.

Eye Health

The Eye Health Worker assists the visiting Optometrist to conduct Eye Health Clinics in a number of communities. This position also performs Eye Health Screenings at Pit Stops.

Clinics are held in the following communities :

  • Collarenebri
  • Goodooga
  • Lightning Ridge
  • Narrabri
  • Walgett
  • Wee Waa

The Eye Health Worker is located in the Chronic Disease Building and can be contacted on 6820 3777 or 6820 3729

Goonimoo (Kids Health Education)

Goonimoo delivers two hours play sessions that are delivered to meet the needs of children 0 - 6 years, the play sessions include a variety of educational experiences to enhance children's social, emotional, physical, intellectual and cognitive development.

Goonimoo currently delivers fortnightly play sessions to Carinda, Collarenebri, Coonamble, Goodooga, Group station 2, Kids Excel, Mercadool and Goonimoo base. Goonimoo will also be attending Angledool once a month as well as Toy Library days fortnightly.

If you have any further questions regarding Goonimoo please contact Goonimoo's friendly staff on (02) 68283369.

Program Team Staff

Jenny Hunt - AHW – Eye Health


35 Wee Waa Street


33 Wee Waa St

Namoi Street Accommodation

Namoi Street

Dundas Street Accommodation

Dundas Street


Dundas Street

Community Hall

35 Pitt Street